Tuesday, May 3, 2011

my God part 1

he is the true meaning of perfection, even though we all dream about that word, we never even get close to it because perfection wasn’t made for us humans to tell the truth it wasn’t even made for any kind of a living creature.
They say God loves all pure people, and we are all supposed to love him more than anything. You might wonder why im writing these known informations. Well even I don’t know.
Today I went praying the dawn prayers. I asked my self a few questions each question made me think further;
I stood on the yellow sheet with my wet forehead and water dripping hair and asked my self before I began
Who am I praying to? The answer for this question was easy I didn’t have to think a lot, I was praying for the one who made me the one who gave me this beautiful body, the one who never sleeps, the one who is always watching me and helping me when I needed help it was to him and only him.
I started my pray and as I stood there reading his words another question appeared on the yellow sheet I was standing on;
Why am I praying to God? I didn’t have to answer this question. His words did that for me as I read: “gratitude to the one who owns everything” off course I was praying to thank him for everything he ever did for me. Another reason appeared to me as I continued reading his words “please lead us to the right path, the path of those you’ve blessed” the words reached to my heart and I felt week.
I started to think that I ask god to lead me to the right path every time I pray but all I see is me growing every day as this man who I don’t believe is going on the right path.
I asked again: what is this right path? How does it look like? This time the words didn’t do anything I had to help my self, this right path is it the path that I was going through when I was born. But when did I changed my road ? when did I decided to turn left and leave everyone that I know on the right side.
Is this all because im a fucking fag?? Is this the wrong path? How can I even be in this path if I don’t even remember choosing to walk on it. How can u be a sinner if u don’t now what’s the sin.
That’s when I asked: what is this sin? Tears dropped down my wet face if someone was looking he would think its water but if he looked again he would see the red shadows inside my eye.
The first word that appeared to me was the word gay. Even though im a man who accepts himself I still chose that word. I tried to remember the time I started to walk on this sin. Nothing was all that appeared to me. I tried to remember the times I tried to go back from this road and choose the other direction, all that appeared was tears and not one of them was happy tears, they were all filled with hate bitterness and pain. They were like blood drifting from my face. I tried to remember the times I asked God to help me and to heal me from this disease but all I saw was me covering the fact that God didn’t answer me and if he did then why am I still the same? Why haven’t I changed?
A thought appeared in the clear horizon that I was seeing. It was the thought of me realizing the request that I kept asking God for. The request for me being straight again, I stared at the word “again” and tried to remember the first time but nothing appeared. If I never were straight then I must’ve been gay all my life but if being gay is a sin then how can my existence becomes a sin? Am I a walking sin?
I couldn’t find the answer as I bend my body to the ground my eyes started to glitter in tears.
A question reassembled it self; then why am I praying to God if God doesn’t answer sinners? I asked another question: why am I praying to God if God doesn’t think I deserve to live as a human? My face was filled with tears and  my eyes were blood red. The sheet was wet from my tears I was weak I was so weak that I couldn’t raise my face off the ground.
I asked if God loves all of us then does god love me? Do I even worth to be loved by god? The question kept repeating it self and I kept crying more and more. I wanted to scream I wanted to just sleep and wake up to find everything as I wanted, I wanted to die I just simply wanted to die right there on my knees. I knew that God was listening to me and I wished he would just answer this prayer

to be continued ....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

jennifer hudson-invisible

Seems like I'm not here it's like I don't mean nothing
Like glass unclear almost like you can see straight through me
I've got questions but no answers so tired of being confused
And I don't wanna stay right here and die gotta find my wings to fly
I gotta find me another way
'Cause I don't wanna stay another day
Time for a change in my life
I've opened my eyes I'm changing my life
And now I'm gonna live my life for me
'Cause this ain't how it's supposed to be
No more standing in the back of the line
'Cause I'm invisible for the last time
Why can't you see me? Do I really even matter?
You changed me completely and I remember how it used to be
I've got questions what's the lesson?
I'm tired of being confused and now
I'm gonna take my chance and fly I'm taking back my life

I gotta find me another way
'Cause I don't wanna stay another day
Time for a change in my life
I've opened my eyes I'm changing my life
And now I'm gonna live my life for me
'Cause this ain't how it's supposed to be
No more standing in the back of the line
'Cause I'm invisible for the last time
This can't be it for me this can't be all I'm meant for
And no more time to waste in this life it's my time to shine
No more feeling insufficient 'cause I'm gonna make my own decision
It don't matter what you can or cannot see I am doing it for me
I gotta find me another way
'Cause I don't wanna stay another day
Time for a change in my life
I've opened my eyes I'm changing my life
And now I'm gonna live my life for me
'Cause this ain't how it's supposed to be
No more standing in the back of the line
'Cause I'm invisible for the last time
Can you see me? I know you see me

No more standing in the back of the line
'Cause I'm invisible for the last time
No more standing in the back of the line
'Cause I'm invisible for the last time

Friday, April 8, 2011

مجرد كلمات

ما كنت عارف اكتب شنو في اول بوست بس انشاء الله يكون حلو و يعجبكم :)
كتير من القايز بحسوا بي الم و كابه و تعاسه كانهم لمن عرفو انهم قاي كان كدا خلاص نهاية حياتهم و مع اني صغير و من المفترض اني بتعرض للمضايقات الكتيره في المدرسه و غيره بس برضوا ما عارف ليه الحزن دا كله؟؟؟؟؟؟
so your gay GET OVER IT!!!!!
انا عارف انو البعض بيظن انو انك تكون قاي معناها ما عندك مستقبل و انو علشان انا قلت قيت اوفر ات معناتها انا ما فاهم حاجه بس بالعكس لانو كل ما كنت انت متقبل لنفسك كا ما كانت حالتك النفسيه احسن .
و انا لمن اقول متقبل ما قاصد انك تمشي تعمل علاقه جسديه او حتى علاقه حب مثليه لانو في كتير من الناس اللي بتكون قاي بس برضو ما بمارسو اي شيء مثلي او قاي و اكبر غلط في نظري و هو اكتر حاجه القايز بيغلطوا فيها حتى الكبار هو انهم بيخلطوا المثليه مع اللواط و انك تكون مثلي معناها انك بتمارس لواط (اعزروني على الالفاظ) بس الكلام دا
طبعا بتفتكروا لي انا بهاجم الناس الما متقبلين مثليتهم كدا؟؟؟؟؟
بس الجواب لانو انا كنت واحد منهم حاربت المثليه الجواي كتير شديد و قرب يأدي بموتي و اكبر دليل اني كنت بفكر بمثليتي و انا راكب في العربيه وفتحت الباب و العربيه متحركه و كنت عايز انهي حياتي
طبعا بتساءلو كيف نجيت؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
حقيقة ما حاكذب و اقول اني جاتني اللحظه الي اتزكرت فيها ربي و اتزكرت العزاب الممكن ربي يذوقو لي , بس حقيقة كان في حد معاي وقفني و قال لي في طرق تانيه علشان تحل مشاكلك بدلا من الهرب و في الحقيقه في اللحظه ديك صدقته و قفلت الباب و انا لي هذي اللحظه ممتن لي هذا الانسان و ادعو له في الصباح و في الليل
عدم تقبلي لمثليتي سبب لي كتير من المشاكل و كان اكبر سبب خلاني اكون في حالة انطوائيه و عدم الثقه بالنفس لدرجة اني لمن اكون لوحدي و لو حتى فايف مينتس كنت احس انو دا حيكون حالي لمدى حياتي و انو انا ما عندي مستقبل و انو انا حافضل عايش في ظلمه لمدى حياتي
كنت لمن حد يقول لي شي بيتعلق بكوني مثلي مثل انو يستعمل الالفاظ الغير جميله معاي لاني ما بتصرف ذي بقيه الاولاد كنت بفضل افكر فيها لمدة اسبوع على الاقل.
اتعلمت اني اتقبل نفسي و احاول اني ما افكر في المضايقات دي بس كان صعب و الحمد لله مريت منها
كتير من الناس الما مثليين بيظنو ان المثليه مجرد فكره موجوده في عقلنا و لمن الواحد فينا بيفكر فيها هي بتكبر بس الكلام دا ما صحيح و انحنا (او انا) ما بقدر انسى هويتي و ما افكر فيها حتى انها تتغير لانو
المثليه عباره عن حائط من زجاج محيط بيك بتقدر تشوف من خلاله و تتعايش مع و جوده بس انت نهائي ما ممكن تنسى انه موجود.
انا ما بدعو لتقبل المثليه بس انا بدعو للايجابيه
hope u all the best <3 <3 <3